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    Victor Smart is the founder, coach and an avid rider for Stay Rad Racing.  His BMX days started in the 80's as a kid in New England.  After taking decades away from the sport to pursue other interests and start a family, he was drawn back in by taking his two boys to the track for some outside time watching races in 2020.  One week later they were on the track together on loaner bikes and the first three riders of Stay Rad Racing were on their way.  Victor added 9 more riders in December of 2021 and started coaching the team.




    Since the creation of the team in 2021 one of our goals had been to take our riders as far as we could in the sport.  With the limited, but growing, knowledge of our founder many riders have made great advancements in the sport.  But we always knew if we intended to retain riders and take them beyond their local tracks and into the BIG GAME we would need an experienced coach.  A rider coach that had a generous soul and a need to share wisdom with our riders.  Well, our wait is over.  When we heard the words "Racing is some of the best memories I have", a chord had been struck and a common goal of giving kids a platform to experience some of their greatest memories made asking our new friend to join our ranks the logical choice.

    George Weinberg


    George Weinberg is a former rider for Powerhouse, Mach IV and finally Titan Factory team before taking a hiatus for decades.  He returned to bmx in 2022.  His enthusiasm for the sport and his genuinely modest nature make him a pleasure to take a gate with in the 46-50 intermediate class.  George will take our riders that want to reach new heights in the national ranks to the next level.  At the same time he rides for fun and loves to encourage those that are in the sport for the same reason.  We cannot wait to see what the coming season brings for all of us.  One thing is crystal clear, we will be making the best memories as a team.  02/19/2023 marks the beginning of a great new future for our growing team.  Welcome to the Stay Rad family!


    Questions‭? ‬Feel free to reach out to Stay Rad Racing Coach Victor Smart‭.‬

    Tel: 603-770-7548     Email:


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